Conversion Chart Of Metric, SAE & Whit Worth Sizes

SAE : SAE is the abbreviation of society of Automotive Engineers (USA) 1/2 means 1/2” distance across flats of bolts, screw heads & nuts.

MM : In case of mm, the distance across flats is indicated in millimeters, 12 mm means 12 millimeters distance across flats of bolts, screw heads & nuts.

WW : ww is the abbreviation for whitworth (U.K.) and it indicates diameter of the bolts or screw, 1/8ww means diameter of the bolts as 1/8” & does not indicate distance across flats

1/4 6.35 1/16 6.50
5/6 7.94 3/32 7.54
11/32 8.73 1/8 8.64
3/8 9.52 3/16 11.30
13/32 10.32 1/4 13.33
7/16 11.11 5/16 15.24
1/2 12.7 3/8 18.03
9/16 14.29 7/16 20.83
19/32 15.08 1/2 23.37
5/8 15.88 9/16 25.65
11/16 17.46 5/8 27.94
3/4 19.05 11/16 30.48
25/32 19.84 3/4 33.00
13/16 20.64 13/16 35.30
7/8 22.22 7/8 37.59
15/16 23.81 15/16 40.13
1 25.40 1 42.42
1.1/16 26.99 1.1/8 47.24
1.1/8 28.57 1.1/4 52.07
1.3/16 30.16 1.3/8 56.39
1.14 31.75 1.1/2 61.21
1.5/16 33.34 1.5/8 65.53
1.3/8 34.92 1.3/4 70.10
1.7/16 36.51
1.1/2 38.10
1.9/16 39.69
1.5/8 41.28
1.11/16 42.86
1.3/4 44.45
1.13/16 46.04
1.7/8 47.72
2 50.80